The Mystery of Banking by Murray N. Rothbard

The Mystery of Banking

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The Mystery of Banking is perhaps the least appreciated work among Murray Rothbard’s prodigious body of output. This is a shame because it is a model of how to apply sound economic theory, dispassionately and objectively, to the origins and development of real-world institutions and to assess their consequences. It is “institutional economics” at its best. In this book, the institution under scrutiny is central banking as historically embodied in the Federal Reserve System—the “Fed” for short—the central bank of the United States.
The Fed has long been taken for granted in American life and, since the mid-1980s until very recently, had even come to be venerated. Economists, financial experts, corporate CEOs, Wall Street bankers, media pundits, and even the small business owners and investors on Main Street began to speak or write about the Fed in awed and reverential terms. Fed Chairmen Paul Volcker and especially his successor Alan Greenspan achieved mythic stature during this period and were the subjects of a blizzard of fawning media stories and biographies. With the bursting of the high-tech bubble in the late 1990s, the image of the Fed as the deft and all-seeing helmsman of the economy began to tarnish. But it was the completely unforeseen eruption of the wave of sub-prime mortgage defaults in the middle of this decade, followed by the Fed’s panicky bailout of major financial institutions and the onset of incipient stagflation, that has profoundly shaken the widespread confidence in the wisdom and competence of the Fed. Never was the time more propitious for the radical and penetrating critique of the Fed and fractional-reserve banking that Rothbard offers in this volume.

Judul E-Book : The Mystery of Banking
Bahasa : Inggris
Penulis/Penyusun : Murray N. Rothbard
Website : -
Format File : PDF
Ukuran : 4,8 MB
Deskripsi singkat:
Karya besar tokoh ekonomi mazhab Austria. Mazhab ini banyak bersepakat dengan ekonomi Islam dalam hal Gold Standard dan Full Reserve Requirement lembaga bank.

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